Saturday, October 31, 2009

My first(second) blog

Ahhh- I feel great about this...finally, a place to speak my mind.

Being a father has taught me to be a little more patient. Well, patient with kids. There are definitely kids out there that annoy the piss out of me. Actually, its their parents that fire me right up. But I digress....

I am not patient with stupidity. There is a difference between being dumb and being stupid. Dumb people can't help it, perhaps they have smaller brains or a they are the product of inbreeding(not imbreeding, if you say imbreeding, you are a dumbass). Stupid people are people that are supposedly intelligent, maybe college educated, successful at their jobs, pretty well organized..... but they are complete idiots. Why? Because they make stupid comments, they believe in stupid things, they make decisions based on the majority, they don't look at things logically, they are not open minded.... Unfortunately,....they are MOST people.

Don't get me wrong, I love people. I love people that I don't agree with even. If I hated everyone I disagree with, I would have zero friends. I can find things in every person to like (except John Travolta, Tom Cruise, & Warren Jeffs). I am in sales for crying out loud. It would be a terrible career choice otherwise.

So what will I talk about? Not sure.... things that piss me off or make me think. Maybe things that piss you off. But the goal is to talk about what most of us think. There is enough fodder out there to write for days and days, thanks to balloon boy.

Isn't Falcon a little creeper? Hes like a cross between "Children of the Corn", the little asian kid from "The Grudge", and "Chucky." But what is creeper, is his dad....seriously off his rocker. You know your dad is a wackjob when he makes you do a music video called, "pussified."

I have a rather raw view on things and could give a shit less about people that disagree. That is the beauty of an opinion. If you don't like it, you can kiss my ass. Now I do love hate mail though...but be warned, if you send me hatemail, I will post it on the blog and I will destroy it with my wit. You will be laughed at and you will cry. In that vein, if you are curious about my opinion on something and want me to write about it....send it my way to So let the good times roll.


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